Tech jobs are all the hype right now. You can not go wrong with an education in tech. Computer sciences is a major with the highest paid jobs, starting from salary packages of $100,00 and above, most job offers, and acceptance rate. And these jobs are expected to grow twice in number as compared to other jobs- a 13% growth rate, faster than all other growth rates in the market.
So it's a good time to consider this as a major and look for employment. Here is the list of some of the best careers in Tech as of 2022:
Top 8 Types of IT Jobs and Salaries In-Demand
1. Data scientist
A data scientist is named the "Sexist job of the 21st century." Companies need a data scientist to evaluate large amounts of data to help them in decision-making. The low supply of qualified graduates in the field means the demand is high; so is the pay. The salaries of a third-level data scientist manager go up to $250,000. Recruiters prefer hiring professionals with postgrad degrees in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or engineering. The average annual wage is around $108,660. The job outlook throughout 2030 is 2.4%.
2. Cyber security specialist
The highest number of jobs available and preferred for tech majors is that of a cyber security specialist, also known as a cyber security engineer. In this modern era of technology, more and more companies are prone to security breaches. According to Risk Based Security (an international security company), more than 22 billion records have been breached in 2021 alone. These security breaches are proof of the high demand for trained cyber security professionals. A bachelor's degree in computer sciences suffices. If you want a higher position and better pay, you can opt for a master's degree. The average annual wage is $102,600. The number of new jobs available throughout 2030 is expected to be 47,100.
3. Computer systems analyst
A computer system analyst's job is handling computers and designing and installing new IT systems. These professionals are mostly hired by IT consulting firms. Most growth occurs in mobile technology, healthcare records, and cloud computing. A bachelor's degree in computer sciences suffices for this job, but some companies hire professionals with a liberal arts degree as well. The average annual salary is $99,270. The job outlook throughout 2030 is up to 7%.
4. Web developer
A web developer is the only job on the list that you can get without a formal college education. There are different types of jobs you can have as a web developer:
• Web designers create the design and layout of a website. Their job is to design a webpage, create its user experience, and take care of it (not necessary). For this job, you need an associate degree in web design.
• Webmasters maintain a webpage. One can maintain several web pages at a time. The job includes taking care of all the algorithms and ensuring the website runs smoothly daily.
• Web architects handle the technical construct of a website. They most commonly need a bachelor's degree in programming and computer science.
The average annual wage is $77,200. The job outlook throughout 2030 is up 13%.
5. Software developer
Software developers are in high demand right now because of the growth in the mobile market and other technologies requiring apps. Software developers design applications. Systems software developers design operating systems and user interfaces. For this job, the minimum requirement is a bachelor's degree in computer sciences or software engineering. It is a very lucrative career choice with increasing growth. You can freelance in this work and work for a single company; both come with a list of benefits. The average annual wage is $110,140. The job outlook throughout 2030 is 22%.
6. IT manager
Call them information technology managers, IT security managers, chief information officers (CIO), or IT directors- they're more or less the same. All roles may have varied duties, but at the core, they handle the company's IT needs and oversee the IT department. While some employers may prefer an MBA, especially for the higher roles, a bachelor's in computer or information sciences could suffice. The average annual wage is somewhere around $159,010. The job outlook throughout 2030 is upwards of 11%.
7. Sales engineer
A sales engineer answers technology-related questions, explains products, and presents proposals for products and services. Even though the demand for sales engineers is lesser than the other jobs mentioned in this list, it is still an indispensable role in companies selling IT products and services. The requirement to be a sales engineer is a bachelor's degree in business, science, or a technological field. The average annual wage is $103,710. The job outlook throughout 2030 is 8%.
8. Computer research scientist
A computer research scientist is the most difficult field to enter into this list, which is why it also has the least new job openings. These professionals create algorithms to help business analyze their data. You'll require a postgrad such as a Ph.D., for the job. Hence, very few qualified individuals for this position keep the demand for this role high. The average annual wage for this position is around $131,490. The outlook throughout 2030 is 22%.
Tech jobs are easily available on all websites. You can look through company websites, use LinkedIn, Indeed, and Job Finder, visit job fairs, or find one through a recruiting agency. With the number of tech jobs in the market that offer competitive salary packages, all the hard work and sleepless nights spent getting a relevant degree will seem worth it. Technology is one of the fastest growing and in-demand industries out there. This list covers only some of the multiple tech jobs available in the market currently. If you have the knack for one, map your career path now.