Sending letters via mail is nearly a thing of the past in our current era of smartphones and rapid communication. When you think about direct mail, you generally conjure up images of impersonal marketing pieces that no one wants to read. That's where online personalized greeting cards come in handy.
The online professional tools let you personalize cards using your style handwriting, signature, and beautiful card designs. That isn't to say that you have to do everything yourself, especially if you're in a hurry. Online tools also have a wide range of pre-designed cards and authentic handwriting styles to choose from.
Top 4 Reasons to Send Handwritten Greeting Cards Online
Sending greeting cards with online tools achieves results, whether you're putting together a short campaign or fine-tuning every detail. It's a powerful technique that may be implemented at any stage of a company's development. Whether you're launching a new firm with a fresh mailing list or rekindling existing customer ties. Continue reading to learn how to sign and send greeting cards through the internet.
1. Handwritten Greeting Cards Increase Client Retention
Getting handwritten notes in the mail provides a more intimate experience than receiving a typed letter or email. People might get overwhelmed by marketing communications from the companies with whom they work. As a result, getting handwritten correspondence might feel like a breath of fresh air.
Receiving handwritten letters makes your consumers delighted for more reasons than one. It also distinguishes your brand in a world when everyone else is doing the same thing. Almost every business sends emails and forms letters to customers and clients, but just a handful send handwritten notes.
2. For a Variety of Occasions, Send Handwritten Notes
Greeting card occasions vary depending on what is essential to your consumers. People celebrate several holidays based on where they reside, their religious affiliation, and other circumstances.
You aren't, however, confined to observing only official holidays. People like receiving genuine, emotional notes at any time of year. Birthday cards, personalized invitations, and thank-you cards are all excellent ways to boost customer connection for any special event. You might even invent your own holiday to commemorate your brand's community.
3. Variety of Online Handwriting Styles to Choose From
Now that you've grasped the significance of handwritten notes, it's time to get down to business. Let's start with the handwriting styles that are accessible for public usage through various online platforms like Handwrytten.
Our above-mentioned professional online tool offers a total of 29 different handwriting styles for your cards and messages. To distinguish themselves from one another, each has a witty name ranging from "Bounding Bernie" to "Chill Charity." Best of all, because they're modeled by actual people's handwriting, they're practically indistinguishable from human handwriting. You can see a complete list of all of our handwriting styles right here!
It's fantastic to have a variety of handwriting styles to pick from, but you might want even more customization. You'll need to know how to submit a custom handwriting style for that.
You can use your own penmanship or someone else's, such as a sales rep in your company, with a bespoke handwriting style. The app will scan and design your best handwriting format for a one-time charge. After then, you can use it in any future emails.
4. You Can Sign Cards With Your Smartphone
It's one thing to get handwritten greeting cards online, but what if you could sign and send greetings cards online right from your phone?
It is impossible to stress the value of using your own signature in your correspondence. Any marketing message gains a crucial element of validity as a result of it. The online tool's friendly handwriting robots can reproduce your personalized signature in the same way they can duplicate your handwriting style.
Your signature will appear to have been written by you, thanks to modern technology that allows them to recreate human-like handwriting of any sort. All you have to do is sign a document and pay a one-time fee, and their experts will take care of the rest. Simply contact us to get started once more!
Choosing and creating cards with the Handwrytten app is a snap after you've built up your own handwriting and signature. Simply select a card design, a handwriting style, enter your unique message, and any inserts, such as gift cards or business cards, that you'd like to include. You may then email contacts by importing them from a spreadsheet or directly from your smartphone.
A real-time preview will be displayed before you send your customized greeting card. Whether you're using the app or going online, you'll always have the option to double-check your work before sending it. The app also allows you to send greeting cards in minutes.
You can see how simple it is to sign and mail greeting cards through the internet by now. You've also seen why handwritten greeting cards are so beneficial in strengthening your customer relationships. The online tool provides all the features and functions you need to truly connect with your audience, from selecting the appropriate handwriting style to submitting your distinctive signature.