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Top 10 Best Dental Apps for Dentists for Virtual Healthcare

Nowadays, there is an app for everything and most certainly, you can find some useful ones in dental care. Now that all businesses are migra...

Nowadays, there is an app for everything and most certainly, you can find some useful ones in dental care. Now that all businesses are migrating to digital means of conducting daily tasks, developers identified a need to service the dental healthcare sector.

Best Dental Apps

With relevant and sophisticated apps being developed, dentists can use a variety of apps to finally get a taste of marketing and providing virtual dental care. What apps are available for this healthcare sector?

Top 10 Best Dental Apps for Dentists for Virtual Healthcare

Here are the top 10 best dental apps for dentists that simplify daily routine tasks and perform other specialized activities:


DDS GP is a very efficient app that makes dentists’ lives much easier because it helps them present cases to patients in a sophisticated manner. Patients may not understand the scope of their condition, especially since teeth are secreted from a clear view of oneself.

Pictures may not cut it in most cases, to help individuals without any dental knowledge, experience, or background understanding, DDS GP offers detailed visuals. Dentists can thus illustrate and show how severe a condition is and what it affects.

For example, using this app, a dentist can explain a gum-related problem and clearly distinguish it from a tooth-related. It can also come in very handy when discussing treatment plans with patients. DDS GP comes with more than 200 demonstrations covering almost all dental conditions. The great news is that this tool is available in 13 different languages.

2. Pearlii

Pearlii is a ground-breaking Machine Learning-powered app that is powerful and highly efficient for dentists. As a dental healthcare practitioner, you can prevent larger problems from occurring amongst patients by using this tool. It’s one of the best methods of implementing AI in dental practice yet because instead of requiring you to constantly check up on patients, this app does it automatically.

You can encourage customers to install Pearlii on mobile devices they use regularly and upload pictures daily. These pictures will then be processed by this app automatically using AI technology and let patients know if dental problems are progressing or improving. Patients can then identify problems such as gingivitis, calculus, or tooth decay earlier on, affording you enough time to fix such issues.

If your patients are worried about privacy concerns about their dental medical history being recorded digitally, you can reassure them of the security protocols of this app. Its interface is very clean and easy-to-use without any unnecessary distractions or elements that make the experience complex.

3. CDT Code Check

CDT Code Check is developed by the American Dental Association and provides a digital version of their manual. You can easily look up dental procedure codes even if you’re out of the office practicing at another location without your CDT Code manual.

Using this app can also simplify looking up relevant codes because you can easily search them by entering a code number, keyword, and category of service. It is a practical way of reading any ADA-approved and regulated procedure codes.

Dentists also love this app because it has updated, revised, or amended codes with all effective changes. It can be used on most smartphones including iOS and Android-powered devices, says John Cane, the remote employee at essay writing service UK. If you travel between various offices or surgeries, having this app can help simplify your life.

4. TrayMinder Aligner Tracker

TrayMinder aligner tracker is a handy app that can provide helpful services to your patients wearing clear aligners. Its core functionality is reminding aligner wearers to use their trays and track the time they wear them. Patients can also get timely reminders of changing aligners whenever required.

Dr. Melissa Bailey came up with this idea to help busy patients remember when to wear and change their aligners. You can recommend patients to use this app every day to get notifications on the times to wear aligners and track how long they wore them daily.

To make TrayMinder more fun, there is a feature where patients can upload selfies of their smiles daily. That can help them see the transformation and be more motivated to stick to a prescribed treatment plan.

5. Rhinogram

Rhinogram helps dentists and individuals under their care to communicate effectively without losing professionalism. Texting patients using private messaging channels such as WhatsApp can make you seem less professional. Whereas, using Rhinogram will help maintain that desired level of professionalism but still have an excellent communication channel.

Dental healthcare practitioners have used this tool to share certain documents, such as pictures and x-rays. To make your patients at ease and more open to agreeing on using Rhinogram, the app has HIPAA compliance. With the app, patients do not need to book an appointment for minor concerns or questions.

Instead, they can use the app to communicate directly with yourself. If you need a second opinion or to refer a patient to a specialist, all relevant documentation and pictures can be shared over this tool.

6. Planmeca mRomexis

Planmeca mRomexis is an innovative tool that allows dentists to make 3D models of patient teeth and can also be used to capture X-ray images. For the latter functionality, you need imaging units developed by the same company.

Once they have been captured and uploaded to Romexis servers, you can access them on any tablet device with mRomexis’ app. 2D images can also be captured and stored using this app’s database. These images can be saved for offline use if you are not at your office or surgery.

New patients can be easily added using this service’s mobile. Another value-added benefit is communicating with patients using Planmeca mRomexis when discussing treatment plans and making case presentations. There are annotations and other helpful features in-built this app.

7. Lexi-Dental Complete

Lexi-Dental Complete can be highly useful to dentists because they can map out the perfect treatment plan with fewer adverse reactions. It can be used mostly when recommending pharmaceutical drugs to patients. Using this tool will give you access to a very comprehensive database of pharmaceutical drugs and their effects.

Dentists use this app to help customers take safe but yet effective treatment plans. Dental surgeons can gain insight into precautions to take when using local anesthetics or vasoconstrictors.

Lexi-Dental Complete is also used to identify reactions of treatment plans when combined with certain foods, herbs, or other drugs. All information that could take a long time to put together can be accessed within a few clicks. It has a great interface that is easy to use and simple to familiarize yourself with.

8. BEWE Assist Calculator

BEWE Assist Calculator was developed by Unilever to help with making diagnostics and record the severity of dental erosion. Each tooth is assessed individually and then a risk score is calculated.

After each tooth has been assessed, these numbers are added to get a holistic risk score. You can also easily identify the worst-affected tooth that needs to be attended to urgently and BEWE Assist Calculator can be used to start monitoring its progress.

If a specialist is required, it will be very easy to see this and you can then refer the patient to a relevant professional. You can get the learning material of this app in various languages on its website. The app can be downloaded or it can be used online depending on your preferences.

9. Mavro: Dental Spanish Guide

Mavro is different and it serves a unique purpose for dentists. With the Spanish language on rank two on the list of most spoken languages in the world, it’s just so necessary to know the language to attract more customers and understand them in detail.

After all, it’s a medical consultation or procedure in question, so you can’t afford to let things go wrong just because there was a communication gap because of unfamiliarity with the Spanish language.

To address this problem, a team of developers launched Mavro, a mobile app that facilitates communication between a doctor and a Spanish-speaking patient. It is highly Spanish-specific and that is what makes it different from plenty of translation tools available online.

With a large database for dentistry-specific words and a large collection of dental professional related images, the app simply stands out. Overall, a must-try app for dentists to expand the patient base and be diverse.

10. Dental Anywhere

Dental Anywhere is a popular app that is equally beneficial to the patients and the dental practice owner. It’s a multipurpose app that promises to enhance dental patient care, your practice, and streamline office processes. Combining the practice with the patient is the motto of the Dental Anywhere App and the app does it perfectly by increasing the business efficiency.

One-touch appointments, slot availability, reports in digital format, utility in emergency cases, and general questions and answers for telemedicine purposes are some of the key features of this app. It reduces the general dependency on the office attendants and phone assistants as the communication between the dentist and the patient is direct and mostly guided by the app itself.

In a few clicks, all the processes take place flawlessly and the scope of error is zero. Overall, a perfect app to grow your dental business, especially in times of COVID-19, when the need for telemedicine is more than ever.


As a dentist, these apps and tools can help you simplify your workflow and make it much more manageable. There are a variety of tools you can choose from depending on what type of practice you’re running. Some of these tools are free or have a trial version for you to assess the capabilities of each one.

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TechGlobeX: Top 10 Best Dental Apps for Dentists for Virtual Healthcare
Top 10 Best Dental Apps for Dentists for Virtual Healthcare
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