Electronics recycling, food waste management, and waste construction material use, there are new technologies developed by the day. Waste ...
Electronics recycling, food waste management, and waste construction material use, there are new technologies developed by the day. Waste management and recycling companies strive to create better and better technologies to reduce waste and lower CO2 emissions. Below are some of the latest technologies and methods used to lower emissions and manage waste more successfully.
The process is simple and it occurs naturally. In oxygen-less environments, microorganisms can break down matter and the leftover can be successfully used as fertilizer. Gas emissions can be used to produce energy. Many researchers praise the method as being the best one out there. Unlike creating compost from organic waste, anaerobic digestion is a superior method.
It has a huge potential to tackle the organic waste matter in an effective fashion and offer a new source of energy. Because there will always be organic waste available, this also poses as a renewable energy source.
The only thing that prevents this technology from being implemented at a large scale is the cost. To run an anaerobic digestion plant at a large scale, companies and local governments should invest in large tanks and process vessels. These are far from being cheap to buy and run.
The only known place where this system is already used is Disney World. However, there are plans to turn this method in common practice.
Waste management will slowly become even more efficient than it is today. Companies and solution developers work tirelessly to lower the carbon footprint waste management currently has, and to find reliable solutions. Many solutions presented above have a double purpose. They tackle the waste management part quite successfully while offering a new source of renewable energy. People all over the world are on their way to living better, healthier lives. Innovations in biofuels, app development, and automation are the future of waste management. As part of the future, we should expect to see automated waste collection and disposal. The first steps have already been taken. However, the process still has to be adopted and implemented on a large scale.

Anaerobic Digestion
As a society, we struggle with two major things when it comes to recycling. Eliminating waste and generating fuel. We all know that the landfill issue is already long debated. Our landfills can no longer sustain the endless amount of waste. The greenhouse gasses debate is also a hot one, raising new concerns by the day. However, scientists believe they have found a single solution to both concerns. Anaerobic digestion seems to help diminish both the amount of waste that reaches landfill and also the CO2 emissions.The process is simple and it occurs naturally. In oxygen-less environments, microorganisms can break down matter and the leftover can be successfully used as fertilizer. Gas emissions can be used to produce energy. Many researchers praise the method as being the best one out there. Unlike creating compost from organic waste, anaerobic digestion is a superior method.
It has a huge potential to tackle the organic waste matter in an effective fashion and offer a new source of energy. Because there will always be organic waste available, this also poses as a renewable energy source.
The only thing that prevents this technology from being implemented at a large scale is the cost. To run an anaerobic digestion plant at a large scale, companies and local governments should invest in large tanks and process vessels. These are far from being cheap to buy and run.
Automated Waste Collection
Automated waste collection is another novel technology that works amazingly in waste management enterprises. It also tackles with success a series of other concerns, such as traffic and pollution. In this scenario, the entire waste collection process takes place in undergrounds tunnels and systems. A similar system links homes, stores, restaurants, and companies through a tunnel system, and the entire waste ends up on the premises of a waste collection and management company. All bins will be separated and the waste selection would be automatically tackled. Recycling would be a much easier matter in this scenario and it would become standard practice. In this case, when the bins reach a certain limit, the bottom would automatically open and flush its contents in the waste collection system.The only known place where this system is already used is Disney World. However, there are plans to turn this method in common practice.
Enzyme-based Solutions
Enzyme-based waste management solutions are similar to anaerobic digestion. The process uses enzymes to turn cooking oil into biofuels like biodiesel. There are already products on the market that help the process. They are mainly used for low-grade oils into biofuels. The process helps biodiesel producers lower their overall costs while lowering the impact cooking oil has on the environment. The products neutralize the need for sodium methoxide. This may be one of the most hazardous chemicals that are currently used in biodiesel plants. The removal of similar substances will help improve how environmental-friendly these solutions are.Construction Waste Management
Many construction companies have started to use different waste materials from construction or demolition sites to build roads and other facilities. For instance, type 1 building material is manufactured by repurposing waste material collected from demolition sites. The product can be used in road construction and other similar projects and it is a friendlier alternative to dumping this type of waste in landfills. Because construction materials are non-decomposable, they can be successfully repurposed and used for various building and construction projects. This can solve the huge landfill issue. Besides, this is a far more affordable solution for construction companies that struggle with huge volumes of waste to manage.Too Good to Go
Waste management solutions don’t stop here, however. In the digital age, there are apps that help both companies and residents in different regions of the world to use their waste more efficiently. The Too Good To Go App is a mobile app that helps people identify restaurants in their areas that, at the end of the day will throw away food. The app is also connected to a huge number of stores. More than 3 million people are currently using eat and it has helped to save 2.5 million meals’ worth of surplus food. It is already available for both Android and iOS users, and it is active in most European countries. Over the past couple of years, we will be seeing similar initiatives all over the world.SiteBuddy
SiteBuddy is another smart app that is currently available in the UK. The app helps companies manage hazardous waste more efficiently and helps them skip the unpleasant process of scheduling appointments and booking orders. The app is available for both Android and iOS users and it can be downloaded from the app store.Waste management will slowly become even more efficient than it is today. Companies and solution developers work tirelessly to lower the carbon footprint waste management currently has, and to find reliable solutions. Many solutions presented above have a double purpose. They tackle the waste management part quite successfully while offering a new source of renewable energy. People all over the world are on their way to living better, healthier lives. Innovations in biofuels, app development, and automation are the future of waste management. As part of the future, we should expect to see automated waste collection and disposal. The first steps have already been taken. However, the process still has to be adopted and implemented on a large scale.