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Top 5 Software Development Trends 2021 Developers Should Know

The demand for creative and potential developers has always been there, that too, at a high pace. The extraordinary growth of technology ha...

The demand for creative and potential developers has always been there, that too, at a high pace. The extraordinary growth of technology has been a great boon, contributing to many aspects that were tagged as “impossible” are now “possible.” However, in the last decade, the improvements and developments were remarkably tremendous.

Software Development Trends

With such great successful programs and projects, the question in many minds is - “what’s next?” Do you have that question too? If you do, you are right now at the right read to figure out the right answer. We shall discuss in this blog what we can expect this year in terms of new software trends. Are you excited? Well, keep it on throughout the article to discover some truly fascinating aspects.

Top 5 Software Development Trends 2021 Developers Should Know

So far the technological development has not been any less. In fact, the developments were all at an incredibly faster pace. But yet, what we need to understand is that the pace of growth is never going to slow down, and there is absolutely no looking back. One great experiment that the entire world went through and witnessed was the time during the pandemic.

Even those who were very reluctant towards technology in the workplace had no choice but to accept it, just to maintain the workflow without any hindrance. And genuinely speaking, they have understood the importance and realized how handy it was to enable the continuation of work despite the scattered scenario of the employees.

The pandemic was just an example, and it was that situation wherein the downloads of many software were witnessed to be at the peak. And like mentioned earlier, there is no looking back. When people are already so content and satisfied with the technology’s software, obviously, there is a kind of expectation in the minds of the managers and entrepreneurs to increase their revenue while embracing automation.

And will the developers reach up to the expectation? Well, there can be no absolute answer, as there are possibilities either to exceed the expectations or may not. For instance, who would have imagined that there could be software to handle our payroll, which is such a dreading task? But today, there are a number of best payroll software that have excelled expectations in contributing to a smooth and user-friendly process. Whatever the future holds is quite unpredictable, but then, there has been a lot of discussions on the possibilities of what the future can bring. And let us try to discuss what these possible trends could be.

1. Internet of Things (IoT) Software Development

Basically, the Internet of Things often referred to as IoT, is an interrelated system connected by the internet objects and that which has the ability to gather as well as transfer the information and the data collected. The transfer is made possible literally without any human intervention but through a network that is designed wirelessly. The term “thing” in its name may refer to any connected device such as a biochip transponder, solar panel, or even a medical device, etc.

Most of today’s businesses are already encouraged by the usage of IoT., as it has shown tremendous results and positive outcomes in the company’s increased revenue and cost reduction. Apart from this, many companies are motivated by the Internet of Thing’s ability on driving the employees because of the seamless compliance that it regulates.

However, it is expected that the integration of the Internet of Things in the developments of software, while already there are IoT inventing devices with the integration of sensors. This shift is from integrating sensors to incorporating the Internet of things in the software itself. This trend is sure to enable the developers to scale and develop their software languages and programming ability to a whole different level absolutely with no obstacles that can stop them.

2. Arrival of New Programming Languages

Apart from the ones we have already discussed, a new trend that will arrive in 2021 is the new and improved programming languages. It is seen that the pace at which the world’s technological development is moving forward, the already existing languages (Java, C++) lack in catching up with the speed as they are relatively slow for the developers of today.

In order to satisfy the demands of the developers, many have their time and efforts focused on coming up with even more improved languages that are able to support modern features. However, the languages that are led by Rust, Swift, etc., are deemed to have greater significance.

And this significance is sure to grow further in 2021 as well, among which Rust is expected to create one of the most unexpected breakthroughs this year. As a reference to this, there was a survey conducted that reveals the following statistics, which stands as proof of the significance in the adaption as well as usage for the different programming languages.

3. Blockchain Software Development

One of the major concerns in businesses as well as society as a whole is the increase in the number of cybercrimes and hacking. And is there any perfect solution for this? Well, there are a few solutions, but not wholly reliable, and yet cannot be assured of the data not being hacked.

And it is in this scenario that a new system that records and stores the information, but absolutely with the ability to restrict not just the access, but also enables impossibility in making any further changes or hacking. And this system is called the “blockchain.” It is acknowledged as one of the most important digital ledgers of various transactions. It is also considered one of the types of DLT, wherein the transactions are stored with a legit unchangeable cryptographic signature, named as the hash.

With the increasing scope of blockchains, it is seen as a more significant benefit to integrate blockchains in the process of developing the software. By doing so, we can be sure to be provided with a way out from the increasing fraudulent activities. And instead, the integration will indeed enhance a secured data atmosphere for all the transactions involved in the businesses.

4. Cloud Software Development

Earlier, we did mention that the companies that were very well equipped with technological tools did not suffer much to collaborate among the teams in an organization during the pandemic. Whereas those who weren’t technically strong literally went through a huge crisis. The former ones had the advantage of cloud storage, wherein all the information was saved on a cloud, and access to the employees as well as employers was readily available.

The calamities like Corona that affected the entire world proved that the need for cloud storage isn’t just for the upscaling of the company. It is also for the down-scale, meaning there is an undeniable need for cloud storage that arises due to the failure of the company’s systems and services. There is also a prediction from Forrester that the cloud infrastructure may rise up to 120 Billion USD with 35% growth in 2021.

5. Artificial Intelligence Software Development

One of the recent trends, and that which seems like something that will experience growth for every minute, is Artificial Intelligence, often referred to as “AI.” There has been a significant breakthrough in the past year that AI has seamlessly accomplished. Its assistance is observed in almost every aspect and sector of human life. And that is the reason the AI has been entitled to a new slogan - “AI For All”.

One of the most significant breakthroughs that occurred was during the month of May in the year 2020. It is marked for the creation of GPT-3 by one of the US companies. Do you know what it was capable of doing? I’m sure you will be too surprised and thrilled. An article named “Are you scared yet, human?” was written by a robot, GPT-3, an OpenAI’s language generator.

With such immense growth, it is very difficult to overlook the impact that the outcomes of Artificial Intelligence will have on human life and work. A major benefit of AI is that it cannot feel or express bias. And there are many efforts and considerations taken by the experts to make sure that the ethical aspect of Artificial Intelligence is taken care of. And these are just the beginnings already giving a lot of promises for the future with much more unexpected contributions that are sure to find their way. 


The entire software development field is too vast indeed, and it sure is quite challenging to include everything or even to expect everything. However, the ones discussed in the article are to create a kind of awareness and curiosity in expectation of the future trends. Not all may be fulfilled as expected, but yet, there are high chances for much more excellent outcomes to reach much beyond our expectations. 

For a fact, hasn’t technology been surprising and taking the human in awe every time with its new inventions and innovations right from day one? And no doubt dear friends, irrelevant to the fact whether we want or like, the changes and improvements are sure to happen. Therefore, let us be positive and be prepared as well as excited to face the surprises that are yet to be revealed.

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TechGlobeX: Top 5 Software Development Trends 2021 Developers Should Know
Top 5 Software Development Trends 2021 Developers Should Know
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