Well, it is not the first time our world is facing a pandemic, however, this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic slightly differs from all other pand...
Well, it is not the first time our world is facing a pandemic, however, this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic slightly differs from all other pandemics our world faced earlier. Starting from China, this COVID-19 Virus manages to spread to almost every country in the world. This pandemic had taught the world's top health experts to be alert on facing pandemic in the future.

Though we are facing severe impact caused by the COVID-19 virus, we simultaneously face infodemic with the spread of misinformation all over the world about the spread of the novel coronavirus, particularly in the social media where modern people love to be active always. Many people spreading rumors China has started World War III with the aid of biological weapons by attacking top developed countries with the motivation of strengthening their economic status as supreme. So, it has become vital for us to be updated with all the true information over the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
How COVID-19 Quarantine Has Changed Lives Around the World?
Many suffer and struggle to stay inside their home during this lockdown period, which is the primary weapon of most governments around the world. This pandemic lockdown has led to severe anxiety issues for several people. To overcome all those mental and physical health, using smartphones could be a wise solution. In the app world, you can find a lot of best android apps that help you to stay fit physically and mentally during this pandemic lockdown.
On the other hand, smartphones have become the prime entertainment gadget for many people, especially for adults worldwide. This confirms that smartphones are now playing as a virtual bridge for people to stay connected with their buddies and loved ones.
Here in this article, we are going to illustrate the top 10 vital digital health Apps, which can turn your lockdown period as pleasant in terms of your health.
Top 10 Must-Have Digital Health Apps for Coronavirus Quarantine
1. My Fitness Pal
My Fitness Pal positioned at the top of our lists of Digital Health Apps to download in this quarantine period. Moreover, it is the popular and most preferred health and fitness mobile app by the people around the world. The main reason for such popularity is this My Fitness Pal app acts as the one-stop destination for tracking all health-oriented problems, which include workout sessions, body calories burning along with personal fitness goals.
Besides, this My Fitness Pal app comes with the features of linking with the various health monitoring digital mobile applications. Owing to that, users can able to easily track their health records, including work out details at ease.
2. Headspace
Headspace is often preferred by the people who are suffering from a stressful job and likely to get rid of their anxiety issues. If you think a physical fitness app alone can't help you to get rid of all your work stress and anxiety issues, then you are wrong. This wonderful Headspace app does exactly for which it was designed by the makers.
Headspace mental health application guides to start your meditate session with useful tutorials and expert guidance during the basic part. Once you are done with the basic period, you can access a wide range of services offered by the Headspace where you can treat your depression and other mental oriented issues along with tips and expert guidance.
3. YogaGlo
With a bag of benefits, the stress-buster mobile application YogaGlo includes several yoga sessions under several levels. Users are supposed to complete each level by doing their workouts. We all know what Yoga can offer to our health. A newbie, who is looking to start Yoga practice can make use of this awesome stress-buster application YogaGlo, it includes several beginners' lessons along with the tutorials and workout videos.
Trust us; this mobile health app comes with a massive collection of Yoga practice videos under its database. The app features like easy customization and flexibility turn out to be the big plus that attracts many users to download this app.
4. Daily Workout Fitness Trainer
Worried about your physic during this ongoing COVID-19 quarantine period? Well, download this Daily Workout Fitness Trainer mobile app, which is free to download from the app market and start doing your home workouts. Since the certified professional physical trainer developed the app, you can trust all the information shared in the app as reliable and worthy of doing.
This fitness trainer app includes numerous fitness workout videos in various time duration, starting from 5 to 30 minutes. People who miss their early morning workouts can make use of this app for shaping with physics.
5. Fooducate
The name of this app, 'Fooducate' itself tells you what this app is about. People who are cautious about their diet to keep their body fit can make use of this Fooducate app. This Fooducate app includes all the possible data about what to eat and when to eat along with the details of calorie values over every food item mentioned.
Unlike other health or food apps, this Fooducate comes with the unique feature of scanning the barcodes of the food items while purchasing, by doing so, it will reveal what you should do with the food items, whether to shop or to place it back where to pick.
6. JEFIT Workout Planner Gym Log
This workout planning app can be a useful tool for people who are keen to do weightlifting training for maintaining their body physique. This workout planner JEFIT app loaded with various weightlifting sessions where you can learn along with expert's advice. Besides, this JEFIT app includes a tracking facility where you can keep track of your weightlifting workouts, and it allows you to analyze your workouts and plan your future workout sessions.
This JEFIT app also motivates its users to keep doing their fitness workouts to boost them to stay alive in their fitness competitiveness goals.
7. Sworkit
People who are looking to do high flexible workouts can prefer this Sworkit fitness app. This Sworkit app comes with an excessive collection of physical workouts that makes the trainee's body more flexible. Apart from that, the tracking feature of this digital fitness mobile app makes you track your workout session based on the workout timings.
Users can avail the option of picking the workouts based on their types like cardio, Yoga, muscle strengthening, and so. Unlike other mobile fitness training apps, this Sworkit offers monthly fitness challenges on the training sessions to its members.
8. Zone for Training
If you're an iOS user, then this companion app can fit perfectly with your Apple Watch and is pretty handy during the workout sessions. The unique feature of this fitness app alerts you about your heartbeat ratio during the resting and workout timings of yours. Besides, it keeps on informing you about the fat burning ratio on your workouts sessions.
The features of tracking a user's heartbeat make this application the best companion for Apple Watch. In simple words, people who are willing to take their physical workouts to the next level can download this application and make use of it.
9. PEAR Personal Fitness Coach
People who are looking more than just the counts on their workout details can prefer this PEAR Personal Fitness Coach mobile application. This fitness coaching app comes with a more exciting feature other than just the count of calories. Particularly, the ability to pair with the many smart devices and smart wearable like watches makes this fitness coaching application a highly preferred one among the fitness lovers.
The peculiar feature of offering automotive voice instructions to the users makes this fitness coaching app unique from all other existing ones in the app market. Besides, this app is specifically designed to remember all types of workouts done by the users/members and reports it accordingly.
10. 7 Minute Workout
'7 Minute Workout' mobile application can fit well for the people who don't like to sweat a lot by doing pro-long workouts or to hit the gym to maintain their body fitness. This amazing '7 Minute Workout' app comes with the wide collections of short workouts under three main categories.
People can make use of this wonderful '7 Minute Workout' mobile app for performing short basic workouts for living a healthy lifestyle, short and effective workouts for abs, and for people who are willing to do high-intensity workouts.
Apart from those ten health apps, you can also find several top fitness and mobile health apps that allow you to interact with the medical expert to seek their guidance for staying fit and healthy during this pandemic homestay.
I hope the list mentioned above of the top 10 useful health apps during quarantine will be helpful for many. At the same time, if you are a business-minded guy, then it's the right time to step into the business of digital health mobile app development. Because the entire world is in search of personal apps that keep them fit and physique during their quarantine period.