A multitenant refers to a software architecture that responds differently according to how the tenant is addressed. In this architecture, ...
A multitenant refers to a software architecture that responds differently according to how the tenant is addressed. In this architecture, an application is developed to ensure that every tenant gets a dedicated share of the instance which includes data, user management, configuration, non-functional properties and tenant individual functionality. In laymen words, this type of architecture is considered and used because a single code base and formation can deliver various tenant.
A tenant is an application that responds to a particular tenant which behaves differently from another tenant. We use a tenant description strategy to find out the tenant we are talking about. For resolving tenant-specific dependencies, Autofac needs to know about the talent which is making the request for resolving. Tenant identification happens every time when you resolve any component. Performance is important for tenant identification. It is very important to make sure that your tenant identification strategy is very fast. During tenant identification, make sure to handle errors. There are many tenant identification strategy. Some of them are:
Source IP:
It is used for the requests that are originated by the customer which is responsible for the tenants to get the same tenant for the same IPs every time.
Query String:
A query string is a parameter which is used for the difference between the different tenants.
Host Header:
The tenant which is sent by the browser is then completed by the host header when the application is accessing.
We will need to have a tenant which is default so that it will be completed if no information is passed by the browser to analyze it.
The Microsoft’s ASP.NET platform is the best choice for building the multi-tenant application on a large scale. ASP.NET is used to build web applications and APIs. ASP.NET is a coding language. In technical language, it is an open web framework. ASP.NET is mainly used to create dynamic web pages by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on windows. It was developed by Microsoft as a part of the .NET framework. The ASP.NET has many extensions; one of them is Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) extension. The framework of SOAP extension allows ASP.NET component to execute SOAP messages. Today, ASP.NET technology is mainly used by developers. It is developed and regularly updated by Microsoft; this is the most important thing. Microsoft is responsible to make it safe and bug-free.
In the past, the application of ASP.NET could only run on the servers of windows that is changed with the new version which is ASP.NET Core. The .NET core is an open source cross-platform which is also developed by Microsoft. .NET core is made up of major component which is CORECLR. Even .NET core has its own API. This API is not related to .NET frameworks API. The ASP.NET developer provides a feature to its user that is command line interface. It also offers various services like the compilation of code, and package management to the developers. .NET core runs anywhere you want to. Basically, ASP.NET Core is an angular and comparable framework for building the cloud and web application.
ASP.NET Core is a fully open source and is also available on GitHub. The ASP.NET core is available on windows, mac, and Linux. There are various benefits of ASP.NET Core. Some of them are:
Multi-tenant enterprise apps are not early to design for scale. The architect of your code matters as compared to the architect of your data. In the past, the apps were designed around a database-per – tenant model. But this database- per- tenant model causes many problems once the app is reached to thousands of the users and it did not scale.
To create a new ASP.NET Core project, first of all, check that you have ASP.NET Core installed or not. If you don’t have ASP.NET Core installed then install the .NET CORE SDK from Microsoft. Then after that create a new project from the MVC template with .NET new. The MVC template includes everything that you needed in the project to start it. Then open Startup.cs file to add these lines anywhere in the Configure Services method. You will also need to add these declarations at the top of the file. Then after this replace connection-string with your Citrus connection string. Next, you will need to define the database context.
The database context class provides an interface between the code and the database of your project.

A tenant is an application that responds to a particular tenant which behaves differently from another tenant. We use a tenant description strategy to find out the tenant we are talking about. For resolving tenant-specific dependencies, Autofac needs to know about the talent which is making the request for resolving. Tenant identification happens every time when you resolve any component. Performance is important for tenant identification. It is very important to make sure that your tenant identification strategy is very fast. During tenant identification, make sure to handle errors. There are many tenant identification strategy. Some of them are:
Source IP:
It is used for the requests that are originated by the customer which is responsible for the tenants to get the same tenant for the same IPs every time.
Query String:
A query string is a parameter which is used for the difference between the different tenants.
Host Header:
The tenant which is sent by the browser is then completed by the host header when the application is accessing.
We will need to have a tenant which is default so that it will be completed if no information is passed by the browser to analyze it.
The Microsoft’s ASP.NET platform is the best choice for building the multi-tenant application on a large scale. ASP.NET is used to build web applications and APIs. ASP.NET is a coding language. In technical language, it is an open web framework. ASP.NET is mainly used to create dynamic web pages by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on windows. It was developed by Microsoft as a part of the .NET framework. The ASP.NET has many extensions; one of them is Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) extension. The framework of SOAP extension allows ASP.NET component to execute SOAP messages. Today, ASP.NET technology is mainly used by developers. It is developed and regularly updated by Microsoft; this is the most important thing. Microsoft is responsible to make it safe and bug-free.
In the past, the application of ASP.NET could only run on the servers of windows that is changed with the new version which is ASP.NET Core. The .NET core is an open source cross-platform which is also developed by Microsoft. .NET core is made up of major component which is CORECLR. Even .NET core has its own API. This API is not related to .NET frameworks API. The ASP.NET developer provides a feature to its user that is command line interface. It also offers various services like the compilation of code, and package management to the developers. .NET core runs anywhere you want to. Basically, ASP.NET Core is an angular and comparable framework for building the cloud and web application.
ASP.NET Core is a fully open source and is also available on GitHub. The ASP.NET core is available on windows, mac, and Linux. There are various benefits of ASP.NET Core. Some of them are:
- A simplified hosting model
- Integrates with popular client-side development frameworks
- Cross-platform development
- Performance is the main focus
- Open source
Multi-tenant enterprise apps are not early to design for scale. The architect of your code matters as compared to the architect of your data. In the past, the apps were designed around a database-per – tenant model. But this database- per- tenant model causes many problems once the app is reached to thousands of the users and it did not scale.
To create a new ASP.NET Core project, first of all, check that you have ASP.NET Core installed or not. If you don’t have ASP.NET Core installed then install the .NET CORE SDK from Microsoft. Then after that create a new project from the MVC template with .NET new. The MVC template includes everything that you needed in the project to start it. Then open Startup.cs file to add these lines anywhere in the Configure Services method. You will also need to add these declarations at the top of the file. Then after this replace connection-string with your Citrus connection string. Next, you will need to define the database context.
The database context class provides an interface between the code and the database of your project.