Scrolling through the feed and catching up on the latest news and trend is all easy for the 2 billion active Facebook users, but for the m...
Scrolling through the feed and catching up on the latest news and trend is all easy for the 2 billion active Facebook users, but for the marketers, there is a lot more than what meets the eye when it comes to Facebook. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes for most business pages that enables them to market their brand and generate traffic. If you are looking to engage better with your audience, try these hidden Facebook hacks.
1. Audience Insights
With the increase in digital advertising, audience insights have become a marketing staple. Facebook Audience Insights is a savvy feature that provides useful data about your target audience such as their age, gender, location and so much more. This detailed information will help businesses create more relevant content and well-targeted ads. Audience Insights is a powerful tool that you can use to create interesting statistical graphs regarding your key demographic and that of your competition.
2. Pages to Watch
This is a greatly hidden hack that helps you size up your competition. Pages to watch enables you to track over 100 different business pages comparing different features such as their audience engagement, page activity, audience growth, number of Facebook shares and likes to those on your page. To make use of these gemstones, simply click on insights then click on the pages to watch the tab. Add all the business pages that you would like to monitor to the list then simply click on the business page you are interested in and all their details will automatically pop up. Pages to watch provides detailed information on posts from different business’s pages over the past week.
3. Published Posts
The insights tab is a great tool for accessing the performance of your previous posts including their likes, shares, link clicks, comments and much more. However, there is another hidden hack that can prove useful when it comes to your previous posts, the post-search tool. If you post content onwards, there comes a point in time when you worry about whether you have posted similar blog post before. The post-search tool which falls under the publishing tools tab helps you search for previous posts affiliated with certain topics and keywords, so you can avoid duplicating it or maybe make some changes to it so it can be more interesting and relevant to your audience. If indeed you had worked on a similar article before, post search can help you view the wording, images, audio or video that was used and whether it was successful and how you can use those features to duplicate the success.
4. Save For Later
An average feed is typically flooded with tonnes of information and news that is constantly changing every second such that it’s very easy to miss out on something important. Luckily there is a feature on your Facebook business page that can help you save all the important images, photos, links, videos or events so you can view them later. The Save for Later feature comes in handy when you are quickly going through your feed, and don’t have time to analyze some important content but would like to view it at a later time when you can fully focus on it. To save some post for later, simply click on an arrow that is on the right corner of a post that is on your news feed. If you are on a business page, click the gear icon and then select save the link.
5. Share Your Business Page with Your Email Contacts
If your business is new on Facebook, getting more people to view your content is important and there is a way you can add your email contact list to your audience list. For this to work, all you have to do it click on the “…” button that is on your Business Page. A list will then pop up from which you will select “suggest page”. A pop-up menu with gives suggestions as to where you can import your contacts including email, iCloud and many more. Once you select email, you can then suggest your business page to all your email contacts. Keep in mind however that you can only import 5,000 email contacts in a day. This is still a big number for a business that is just starting out.
6. Invite Fans to Like Your Page
If you are looking to get the most out of your Facebook post, there are a hidden Facebook hacks that enable you to invite people that engaged with your post to like your business page. To use this hack, simply click on the hyperlink under each post that shows that number of people that have liked or commented on your post. A pop-up menu will show you a list of people who currently like your page or not. Use this to directly invite those who don’t like your page yet.

1. Audience Insights
With the increase in digital advertising, audience insights have become a marketing staple. Facebook Audience Insights is a savvy feature that provides useful data about your target audience such as their age, gender, location and so much more. This detailed information will help businesses create more relevant content and well-targeted ads. Audience Insights is a powerful tool that you can use to create interesting statistical graphs regarding your key demographic and that of your competition.
2. Pages to Watch
This is a greatly hidden hack that helps you size up your competition. Pages to watch enables you to track over 100 different business pages comparing different features such as their audience engagement, page activity, audience growth, number of Facebook shares and likes to those on your page. To make use of these gemstones, simply click on insights then click on the pages to watch the tab. Add all the business pages that you would like to monitor to the list then simply click on the business page you are interested in and all their details will automatically pop up. Pages to watch provides detailed information on posts from different business’s pages over the past week.
3. Published Posts
The insights tab is a great tool for accessing the performance of your previous posts including their likes, shares, link clicks, comments and much more. However, there is another hidden hack that can prove useful when it comes to your previous posts, the post-search tool. If you post content onwards, there comes a point in time when you worry about whether you have posted similar blog post before. The post-search tool which falls under the publishing tools tab helps you search for previous posts affiliated with certain topics and keywords, so you can avoid duplicating it or maybe make some changes to it so it can be more interesting and relevant to your audience. If indeed you had worked on a similar article before, post search can help you view the wording, images, audio or video that was used and whether it was successful and how you can use those features to duplicate the success.
4. Save For Later
An average feed is typically flooded with tonnes of information and news that is constantly changing every second such that it’s very easy to miss out on something important. Luckily there is a feature on your Facebook business page that can help you save all the important images, photos, links, videos or events so you can view them later. The Save for Later feature comes in handy when you are quickly going through your feed, and don’t have time to analyze some important content but would like to view it at a later time when you can fully focus on it. To save some post for later, simply click on an arrow that is on the right corner of a post that is on your news feed. If you are on a business page, click the gear icon and then select save the link.
5. Share Your Business Page with Your Email Contacts
If your business is new on Facebook, getting more people to view your content is important and there is a way you can add your email contact list to your audience list. For this to work, all you have to do it click on the “…” button that is on your Business Page. A list will then pop up from which you will select “suggest page”. A pop-up menu with gives suggestions as to where you can import your contacts including email, iCloud and many more. Once you select email, you can then suggest your business page to all your email contacts. Keep in mind however that you can only import 5,000 email contacts in a day. This is still a big number for a business that is just starting out.
6. Invite Fans to Like Your Page
If you are looking to get the most out of your Facebook post, there are a hidden Facebook hacks that enable you to invite people that engaged with your post to like your business page. To use this hack, simply click on the hyperlink under each post that shows that number of people that have liked or commented on your post. A pop-up menu will show you a list of people who currently like your page or not. Use this to directly invite those who don’t like your page yet.