Your website serves as the first impression you make to your clients and audiences. While designing and working on any website you do n...

Your website serves as the first impression you make to your clients and audiences. While designing and working on any website you do not simply focus on putting content and attractive designs, rather you aim at achieving a completely immersive environment for your users to experience.
Going to your website a user shouldn’t have any doubts regarding the services you offer, why should they trust you and how exactly can you help them. Addressing these three core concerns automatically helps you engage more audiences and thereby allowing your business to boon.
So, if you are facing a tough time engaging an audience and or have a very high bounce rate, here are 6 tips which you should follow to improve the web design.
1. Think Before You Start
Don’t start the website design and website development process right away. Rather take some time and figure out exactly how you will structure the website. Think it from a buyer’s or consumer’s perspective and ensure the flow is same as any potential customer would want. For example, the website in the start should always contain the description of company or product you are offering. It shouldn’t be too long however small, precise and catchy to force user spend few more minutes on your website. There will be multiple drafts of your website made, however once done the end results would be a magnificent one.
2. Try Inculcating Social Media Buttons
Most websites lose a lot of traffic which is generated by social media sharing. Therefore, if your website was built let’s say a decade ago it probably wouldn’t be having such sharing options. What to do? First redesign your website given the pattern of layout you are following is already absurd. Second, while getting this done make sure to have social media buttons as a plugin installed thereby giving your users an option to share your page or blog if they like and hence causing an organic traffic increase.
3. Be Smart with Your Images
People often tend to use flashy images which probably has nothing to do with the way their company works. This leaves a negative impression on their customers provided they cannot see the company’s true self. Instead of stocking piling your website with plenty of unrelated flashy images try to use images which relate to the message you are trying to convey. Also if possible make sure the images are original depicting the way your company looks or operates, however, if not then adopt smart strategies of finding right stock photos.
4. Take Great Care of Navigation
One of the crucial aspects of designing any website is to take care of the navigation. A website as we mentioned before with a confusing outlook will leave your users unhappy and push them away. You should be careful so as to streamline all the content on your website and have interlinking done between them. The user should be easily able to find any information related to your business aside from that should be able to search for the possible solution or services he is looking for.
5. Don’t Remove All the White Space
Designing a website or blog most people believe there shouldn’t be any white space present. This notion is old and website should have some white space present. The area without any content or images is what people call as white space. While plenty of white space isn’t great, however, some white space if left improves readability. It would give a clutter-free and neat outlook to your website as well as engage more audiences.
6. Optimize for Mobile
Most of the users now browse web pages on their smartphones or tabs. Websites which aren’t responsive to environment often tend to appear poorly on such gadgets with frame disturbed and content shook. You ought to inculcate mobile responsive angles within your websites so that it appears same across every gadget. And there’s more. A website which is mobile optimized is ranked higher in the Google search results which in turn is again good for your business.
So, these 6 tips if followed will transform your website from good to great. If you have any other tips to share, feel free to write them in the comment section below.