Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users who are using Jailbroken iOS 10.2 / iOS 10.1.1 firmware with Yalu102 and Yalu Mach_Portal can check compatible and working Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps.
If you have already applied Untethered iOS 10 Jailbreak with Yalu102 and Yalu + Mach_Portal Jailbreak Tools, then you can check compatible and working Cydia iOS 10 Tweaks and Apps for your iOS-powered smartphones and tablets now. The latest available Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10.2 / iOS 10.1.1 / iOS 10.1 / iOS 10.0.3 / iOS 10.0.2 / iOS 10.0.1 / iOS 10 Firmware's is currently supported with iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5S, iPad Pro, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 2, and iPod Touch 6G, while other devices i.e. iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPad 4G, and iPad Mini 3 will soon be compatible with Untethered Yalu iOS 10.1.1 and iOS 10.2 Jailbreak. If you're using Jailbroken iOS device, then you must check out following Cydia iOS 10.1.1 and iOS 10.2 Tweaks and Apps.
One of the iOS-developer has compiled, checked, and tested all not working, partially working, and fully working Cydia Tweaks on iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.1.1 Firmware, and shared his work through live excel spreadsheet attached below (source), which gets updated automatically by all Jailbroken iOS 10.x.x firmware device users as and when new update needed. So let's check out all the compatible and working Cydia iOS 10.1.1 and iOS 10.2 Tweaks and Apps available right now.
Compatible Cydia iOS 10.1.1 / iOS 10.2 Jailbreak Tweaks: (Live Report)
Working iOS 10.1.1 / iOS 10.2 Cydia Tweaks and Apps:
- 1Pal
- 3D Touch to Clear Notifications
- 3DAppLock
- 3DNoLag
- Action Menu
- Activator
- Active Command
- Active Link
- AdaptativeKeyboard
- AdvancedSettings8
- Ah! Ah! Ah!
- AlertClose
- Alkaline
- Always Forward WatchOS
- AlwaysFirstSwipe
- Alympus
- Anchor
- Andrios
- Anemone
- AntRec - HD screen recorder
- Aporeo
- App Admin
- App Language Switcher
- AppDrawer
- Appendix
- AppInfo
- Apple File Conduit "2"
- AppList
- Apps Manager
- Appster
- AppSync Unified
- AquaBoard (iOS 9/8)
- Ariki
- Assistant+
- AutoBrightness
- AutoMuter
- AutoPass
- Auxo 3
- BadgeClearer
- BarMagnet
- Barrel
- Bars
- BatteryLife
- BatteryPeek
- BDaySpotify 2
- BeGreen
- betterFiveColumnHomescreen
- betterFiveIconDock
- BioProtect
- Bloard
- Blur Remover
- BlurryBadges
- BlurryLaunch
- BounceNotify8
- BT Mouse&Trackpad
- BTstack
- ByPass
- BytaFont (Swap Mode)
- BytaFont (Tweak Mode)
- CacheClearer
- CallConnect
- CarPlay iOS
- carrot
- Cask
- CCColor
- CCLowPower
- CellularUsageOrder
- Change 4G to LTE
- ChargePulse
- Chroma
- Circa
- CircleIcons
- ClassicDock
- ClassicFolders
- CleanSheets 2
- ColorBadges
- ColorFlow 2
- Controllers For All
- CrashReporter
- Cream 2
- Creamless
- CustomNotificationSound
- Cuttlefish
- CycleBluetooth
- CyDelete8
- Cydia Installer (
- Cydia Substrate
- Cylinder
- DataMeter
- Date in Statusbar
- DeleteForever
- DetailedBatteryUsage
- Dim
- DisableVoiceControl 8
- Disclose
- Disk Pie
- DismissProgress
- Docker
- DockShift
- DoubleCut
- DylibSearch
- Eclipse 4
- Emoji10
- EmojiAttributes
- EqualizerEverywhere
- Evanesco
- exKey
- f.lux
- FastLoading
- Filza File Manager
- Fingal
- FiveIconDock
- Flame
- Flex 3
- FlipControlCenter
- ForceInPicture
- Forcy
- FrontCamUnMirror
- Ghosty
- GIFViewer
- GlowBadge
- GlowDock
- HapticFeedBack
- Harbor
- HideLabels10
- HideSettingsSearch
- HotDog
- HUD Customizer
- iBlank
- iCleaner Pro
- Icon Renamer
- IconSupport
- iFile
- iKeywi 3
- ImageBoard
- InfoStats
- iOS Terminal
- iTransmission 4
- iWidgets
- Keyboard Accio
- KeyShortCut Pro
- KuaiDial (iOS 7/8/9)
- LastApp
- libcolorpicker
- libstatusbar
- Lithium Ion
- LocationFaker9
- LockHTML4
- LockInfo8
- Lylac
- Memento
- Messages Customizer
- Mikoto
- Minimal Hosts Blocker
- Minimal HUD
- MinimalisticUI
- Möbius / Mobius
- Molar
- Moveable9
- MTerminal
- MultiAction
- MultiIconMover +
- NetworkList
- NoBlur
- NoCarrier
- NoKeyPop
- NoLiveClock
- NoMotion
- NoPageDots7
- NoSlowAnimations
- Notate
- NoTodayView (iOS 10)
- NoTrackpadDelay
- NoVoiceMail
- NoVolumeHUD
- NtSpeed
- NudeKeys
- OpenSSH (change password here)
- PalBreak
- Pasithea
- PhotoSize
- Platinum
- PM, really?
- Power Tap
- PowerDown
- PreferenceLoader
- PreferenceOrganizer 2
- PressUnlock
- Protean
- Protect My Privacy
- QuickDo
- QuickShuffleRepeat
- QuickSwipe
- redeb
- RePower
- ResetAllKiller
- RespringProgress
- RevealNC
- RocketBootstrap
- RoundDock
- RouterFaker
- Safari Full URL
- SafariFullScreenScrolling
- Seng
- Sentinel
- Shy Page Dots
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- SimulateTouch
- Skrollerz
- SleekCode
- Sleek'n'Bouncy
- SmoothCursor
- SmoothPop
- Snapper 2
- Snoverlay
- Sonus
- Splitify
- Springy
- SprintBoard
- StatusModifier
- StatusVol 2
- StatusvolX
- StillHere
- Substrate Fix
- Substrate Safe Mode
- SwipeExpander
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeSelection Pro
- SwitcherTweak Pro
- Tage
- TapTapFlip
- TetherMe for iOS 9 & 8
- TetherStatus
- TimeUntilAlarm
- TinyBar
- TinyPlayer Pro
- Touchr
- TranslucentCydia
- TransparentDock
- TransparentFolders
- Tweak Count 2
- UnBold
- Unicode Faces
- Upscale
- Vertex
- VideoPane
- VolumeBanner
- vWallpaper 2 for iOS 9
- Wallmart
- Watchdogpro
- wGet
- WGradRemover
- WhiteTerminal
- Whoozit
- Whoozit Pro
- WiCarrier
- WiFi - The Strongest Link
- WiFi Booster
- Wifi Passcodes
- WiJoin
- WinterBoard
- xCon
- XPasscode
- Zeppelin
- ZW1T
- ZW1T Lite
- ...and many many more, check above live report.
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