The Direct Download Links of Pangu Jailbreak Tool for Windows and macOS to Untethered Jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 with Cydia Installation on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV.
A well-known mobile security research team called "PanGu" consists of several senior professional iOS-developer members named @saurik, @qwertyoruiop, @iH8sn0w etc. has released the very first Untethered iOS 9 Jailbreak Tool with Cydia Substrate, Cydia Mobile Substrate and UIKitTools integrations. Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV device users can now able to successfully Jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 / iOS 9.3.2 / iOS 9.3.1 / iOS 9.3 / iOS 9.2.1 / iOS 9.2 / iOS 9.1 / iOS 9.0.2 / iOS 9.0.1 / iOS 9.0 / tvOS 9.0.1 / tvOS 9.0 Firmware Using Pangu 9 Jailbreak Tool available for Windows, macOS and Apple TV operating systems. Untethered PanGu iOS 9 Jailbreak is supported by all iOS 9.x.x Firmwares running on any iOS smartphone and tablet devices. The official Direct Download Links of PanGu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak Tool .EXE File for Windows and .DMG File for macOS is also available. Apple iDevice users can Untethered Jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 with PanGu 9 Jailbreak Tool on iPhone SE, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad Pro, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini, iPad Air 4, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad 2, iPod Touch 6 and iPod Touch 5 and Apple TV 4. The official release of other iOS 9 Jailbreaking Tools i.e. TaiG iOS 9 Jailbreak and 25PP's PP iOS 9 Jailbreak is also expected in future.
Compatible iOS 9 Firmwares for PanGu Jailbreak:

- iOS 9.3.3
- iOS 9.3.2
- iOS 9.3.1
- iOS 9.3
- iOS 9.2.1
- iOS 9.2
- iOS 9.1 Firmware
- iOS 9.0.2 Firmware
- iOS 9.0.1 Firmware
- iOS 9.0 Firmware
- All iOS 9.x.x or latest firmware version
Compatible tvOS 9 Firmwares for PanGu Jailbreak:
- tvOS 9.0.1 Firmware
- tvOS 9.0 Firmware
- All tvOS 9.x.x or newest firmware version
Compatible iOS Devices for PanGu iOS 9 Jailbreak:
- iPhone SE
- iPhone 6S Plus
- iPhone 6S
- iPhone 6 Plus
- iPhone 6
- iPhone 5S
- iPhone 5C
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 4S
- iPad Pro
- iPad Mini 4
- iPad Mini 3
- iPad Mini 2
- iPad Mini
- iPad Air 4
- iPad Air 3
- iPad Air 2
- iPad Air
- iPad 2
- iPod Touch 6
- iPod Touch 5
Compatible tvOS Devices for PanGu iOS 9 Jailbreak:
- Apple TV (4th Generation)
FAQ, Help, Requirements & Guidelines for PanGu Jailbreak:

Download PanGu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak Tool via Direct Links:
- Download Pangu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak .EXE File for Windows (Latest Version: pphelper_5.0.3.1236_25pp_00119_Setup.exe - Chinese Language)
- Download Pangu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak .IPA File for Windows (Latest Version: NvwaStone_1.1.ipa - English Language)
- Download Pangu iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak .IPA File for macOS (Latest Version: NvwaStone_1.1.ipa - English Language)
- Download Pangu tvOS 9 Jailbreak 1.0.0 for Apple TV (Latest Version: v1.0.0)
Previous Versions of PanGu 9 Jailbreak Tools:
- Download Pangu 1.3.1 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.3.1)
- Download Pangu 1.1.1 .DMG File for Mac OS X (Old Version: v1.1.1)
- Download Pangu 1.3.0 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.3.0)
- Download Pangu 1.1.0 .DMG File for Mac OS X (Old Version: v1.1.0)
- Download Pangu 1.2.0 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.2.0)
- Download Pangu 1.0.0 .DMG File for Mac OS X (Old Version: v1.0.0)
- Download Pangu 1.1.0 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.1.0)
- Download Pangu 1.0.1 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.0.1)
- Download Pangu 1.0.0 .EXE File for Windows (Old Version: v1.0.0)