If you have recently applied an Untethered Pangu Jailbreak or TaiG Jailbreak on iOS 8.4.1 / iOS 8.4 / iOS 8.3 / iOS 8.2 / iOS 8.1.3 / iOS...
If you have recently applied an Untethered Pangu Jailbreak or TaiG Jailbreak on iOS 8.4.1 / iOS 8.4 / iOS 8.3 / iOS 8.2 / iOS 8.1.3 / iOS 8.1.2 / iOS 8.1.1 / iOS 8.1 / iOS 8.0.2 / iOS 8.0.1 / iOS 8.0 Firmware running on iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 5G, iPad Air 2 6G, iPad Air 5G, iPad 4G, iPad 3G, iPad 2G, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini devices, then you must check out the List of Working and Compatible iOS 8 / iOS 8.4.1 Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps compiled by 'iAdam1n' via live spreadsheet report. The updated Compatible and Working Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks File for iOS 8.x.x / iOS 8.4.1 Firmwares is attached below.
JailbreakQA moderator named 'iAdam1n' have personally checked and tested all the not working, partially working, Fully Working Popular Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps On iOS 8.x.x / iOS 8.4.1 Firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and shared it via live excel spreadsheet document, that is publicly accessible by any Apple iOS device users. If you're curious to know the current status of all iOS 8.x.x / iOS 8.4.1 Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps, then you must read the below attached file.
Working iOS 8.4.1 Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks & Apps List: (Live Report)
Note: The above attached report can also be accessible from HERE, and it’s a live report that update on daily basis by iOS-Jailbreak users as and when new iOS 8.x.x / iOS 8.4.1 jailbreak tweaks and apps tested on Cydia. So check-back later again for new updates!

Working iOS 8.4.1 Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks & Apps List: (Live Report)
Compatible iOS 8.4.1 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks & Apps:
- 20 Second Lockscreen
- 3DSwitcher
- 3G Unrestrictor 5
- ActiContact
- Activate Link
- Activator
- Actual Battery
- Adblocker 2
- Aeuria LS
- AFC2 TaiG
- AFVideo
- AirBlue Sharing
- AirBlue Stack
- AlienBlue++
- AlienBlueVisitedSync
- Alkaline
- Almpoum
- AlwaysClear
- Anchor
- Andrios
- Androidlock XT
- Anemone
- Animate
- AnyDrop3
- Apex 2
- AppButton
- AppInfo
- Applocker
- AppScan
- Appsync Unified
- Aria
- AskToCall
- Asphalesia
- Assistant+
- AudioExplorer+
- Automa
- AutoRotateVideos
- AutoTouch For iOS 8
- Auxo 3
- Avix
- BackUpIt
- BarMagnet
- Barrel
- Bars
- Battery Passcode
- BatteryLife
- BatteryStatusBar
- BatteryUsageEnhancer
- BetterLS
- BetterNC7
- BetterPowerDown
- BetterWiFi7
- BigBubbles
- Bigify
- BioLockDown
- BioProtect
- Bloard
- BlueBoard
- BlurredMusicApp
- Bolt
- Boover
- BounceNotify8
- Bridge
- Browser Changer
- BytaFont 2
- BytaFont 2 Tweak Mode
- CalcUnlimited
- CallBar
- CallShortcut
- CameraTweak 3
- CC Deseperator
- CCControls
- CCHide
- CCLoader
- CCMeters
- CCNowPlaying
- CCSettings
- CCSliders
- Cephei
- Cercube
- Chrome Downloader+
- CircleIcons
- Circulus
- ClassicDock
- ClassicFolders
- ClassicSwitcher
- CleverPin
- Cobalia
- CocoaTop
- Color Keyboard for iOS 7
- ColorBadges
- ColorBanners
- ColorFlow
- Colorize
- ColorY0urBoard8
- CommCenter Patch(s)
- Convergence
- Copic
- Copic for Callbar
- Cornered
- Cou
- CrashReporter
- CustomCover
- CustomLS
- CustomWidgetIcons
- CyDelete8
- Cydget
- Cydia Enable
- Cylinder
- DailyPaper
- DarkFolders7
- DataMeter
- DetailedBatteryUsage
- Dim
- Dimmer
- Disable Paralax Effect
- Disk Pie
- DockShift
- DoubleCut
- DynamicText
- EasySpring2 iOS 8
- Eclipse 2
- Ember+
- EqualizerEverywhere
- f.lux
- Facebook++
- Faces
- FBNoNeedMessenger
- Filza File Manager
- FiveIconDock
- FlagPaint 2
- Flex 2
- FlipControlCenter
- Flurry
- ForceGoodFit
- Fortune
- FreeFall
- FreeLoader
- Fuse
- Gauss
- GhostPrefs
- GIFViewer
- GlareMusicApp
- GlarePhotosApp
- GlowBadge
- GridSwitcher
- GroovyLock
- GroupMe
- GuestMode
- HapticMusic
- Harbor
- HiddenConvos Pro
- HiddenSettings8
- Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x
- iAppLock
- iCaughtU Pro
- iCleaner Pro
- Icon Renamer
- Iconoclasm
- IconOmatic
- IfFound 2
- iFile
- iMessage Unlimited Media Send
- IneffectivePower
- InfiniDock
- InstaEnhancer
- Instagram++
- InstaLauncher
- InstaRealDate
- IntelliScreenX 8
- Interactive Message Notifications
- iOS Terminal
- iTouchSecure for iOS 8
- iTransmission 4
- iWidgets
- Jellylock Unified Beta
- KeyboardVibrate8
- KillBackground 8
- Kodi
- LastApp
- Light Untrusted Hosts Blocker
- Lithium
- LittleBrother
- LocationFaker8
- LockGlyph
- LockHTML4
- LockKeyboard
- MagicBadges
- MessageHeads
- MessagesCustomiser (and PRO)
- Mikoto
- Minimal Hosts Blocker
- Mobius
- MSGAutoSave 8
- MTerminal
- MultiIconMover+
- MxTube
- MyWi 8
- NCAllOnly
- NCFold
- NCObey
- NCPad
- NCSingleTapClear
- NewTerm
- NightMode8
- Nitrous
- No Yahoo! & TWC
- NoAnnoyance
- NoBlur
- NoDictation
- NoEarlier
- NoLockBounce
- NoMotion
- NoNearMe
- Non-Stop Music
- NoSlowAnimations
- NoSocialAds
- NoVibratedWakeup
- OneMoreTime
- OpenNotifier BETA
- OpenSSH
- OrangeRed iOS 8
- PagedSwitcher
- Pasithea
- PasswordPilot
- Persian Keyboard iOS8
- Phantom for Snapchat
- PhoneCaller
- PhotoAlbums+ for iOS 8
- PhotoOrganiser 8
- Piano Passcode
- Polus
- Power Tap
- PowerBanners
- PowerSoundDisabler
- PreferenceLoader
- PreTree
- Prettier Banners
- Priority Hub
- Protean
- Protect My Privacy
- Pull To Dismiss
- PullToRespring
- Quartz
- QuartzSettings
- QuartzStatusBar
- QuickActivator
- RASBerry
- ReachApp
- ReachWeather
- RecentFacebook
- RemoteMessages
- RePower
- RippleBoard
- Safari Download Enabler
- Safari Downloader+
- Safari Full URL
- Safari Upload Enabler
- SafariTabCount
- Safe Alarm PRO
- SameStatus
- SaveGram
- Sectional
- SendDelay
- ShowCase
- Shrink
- Sicarius
- SimpleCenters
- Slide2Kill8 Pro
- SlideForUsage
- SnapMaster
- Snapper
- SnoozeHelper
- Speed Intensifier
- Spin
- Springpage
- StatusBarTimer
- StatusBright
- StatusHUD 2
- StatusModifier
- StatusVol X
- StoreAlert
- Stream Enhancer
- SubtleLock - iOS 8
- SwipeExpander
- SwipeSelection (and PRO)
- SwipeShiftCaret
- SwishSwitcher
- SwitchSpring
- SwitchSpring
- Tage
- TetherMe for iOS8+
- TimeCode
- Tinder ++
- TinyBar
- ToneEnabler
- TouchID Everywhere
- TransparentDock
- tsProtector8
- Twitter++
- TypeRead
- TypeStatus
- UIColors
- Unbold
- Unifaces
- Uniformity
- UnlimTones
- Untrusted Hosts Blocker
- Upscale
- Veency
- Vertex
- VerticalVideoSyndrome
- VibCall
- Viber++
- VideoPane
- VintageKeys
- VirtualHome 8
- WAEnhancer8
- WallRotator
- Whatsapp Web Enabler
- Whatspad
- WiFiPasswords
- Wink
- Winterboard
- xCon
- XModGames
- YouTubed
- Zeppelin