As we know, Android L Developer Preview version is currently only available for LG Google Nexus 5 smartphone and Asus Google Nexus 7 tab...
As we know, Android L Developer Preview version is currently only available for LG Google Nexus 5 smartphone and Asus Google Nexus 7 tablet devices, And many other users are keen to have the latest version of Google's Android L mobile operating system installed and running on their Android devices. So if you're one of those user who wants to experience the Android L official firmware before the official final released of Android L, then you can Download Free Official Android L Keyboard App .APK File, Android L Themes .APK File and Android L Wallpapers for Phones and Tablets via Direct Links available below.
How to Download and Install Android L Themes .APK File Manually?
Video Tutorial on How to Install Android L Keyboard App .APK File Manually on Phones, Tablets?

- Download Android L Theme v1.1 .APK File Free via Direct Link
- Download Android L Wallpapers via Direct Link
With official Android L Wallpapers and Android L Themes, you can give your Android phone, tablet an Android L look and feel with change in User-Interface (UI) and Layout Design. Android L Theme Package is available for all Android devices running Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean) and Android 4.4+ (KitKat) mobile operating system with Xposed Framework Support. Android L Theme Package includes; Android L Statusbar Icons, Settings, Calculator, Framework, Wallpapers, Boot Animation, Fonts, Ringtones and much more customization and personalization. After download, just move .APK file into your phone memory and run .APK File for manual installation. (If not work, Click Here).

How to Download and Install Android L Keyboard App .APK File Manually?
The official Android L Keyboard App (Build: 3.1.20003.1236599-L) a.k.a Google Keyboard v3.1 is available for Android Smartphones and Tablets running Android 4.0+ (Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS), Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean) and Android 4.4+ (KitKat) mobile operating system. Android L Keyboard can be installed on Unrooted and Rooted Android devices as well. We are providing two separate Android L Keyboard Application installation files, One for Rooted Android Devices, and the second one for Unrooted Android Devices. After download, just move .APK file into your phone memory and run .APK File for manual installation. (If not work, Click Here).
General Instructions for Unrooted / Rooted Android Device Users:
- Delete / Uninstall third-party Google Keyboard App installed via Google Play Store, not built-in AOSP app version.
- To get Android L Keyboard App Material Design, Change theme via;
Go to Android L Google Keyboard Setting
Open "Advanced (Expert) Settings"
Select Color scheme "Material"
Operating Instructions for Rooted Android Device Users Only:
- Android L Keyboard App Flashable .ZIP File can be installed via CWM / TWRP; it will put .APK File into system).
- Delete / Uninstall Google Keyboard (LatinIMEGoogle) from "/system/app" directory, if present. (If "LatimIMEGoogle.odex" file is present too, Delete it too).
Download Android L Keyboard App .APK Files for Unrooted and Rooted Android Devices
Android L Keyboard App Successfully Tested On:
- Motorola Moto G 4.4.2 (Non-Rooted Device)
- Sony Xperia Arc with CM11 (Rooted Devices)
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, 5; Xperia L with PA 4.4.4
- Samsung Galaxy S5 with Phoenix ROM
- Samsung Galaxy S4, MI3 running on 4.4.4
- LG G2 with STOCK 4.4
- HTC M8, Huawei P6
- Samsung Galaxy Nexus with 4.1.2 based ROM
- Samsung Galaxy S3 with CM10.1
- Samsung Galaxy Core
- And Many Others CM10 (.1/.2) ROM's on Different Android Devices, Probably all ROM's based on v4.x.x should work successfully.