If you have recently Untethered Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.1, iOS 7.1.x Firmware on iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, i...
If you have recently Untethered Jailbreak iOS 7.1.2, iOS 7.1.1, iOS 7.1, iOS 7.1.x Firmware on iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPod 5G Touch, iPad Air 5G, iPad 4G, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2 Retina, iPad 3G and iPad 2G Using Pangu Jailbreak Tool, then you will be in search of Working and Compatible Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps for iOS 7.1.2 / iOS 7.1.x Firmwares. For Apple iOS users and readers like you, We have compiled a List of Compatible and Working iOS 7.1.2 / iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps In Cydia via updated live spreadsheet report available below.
The updated live excel spreadsheet document report is publicly accessible by users, and its personally shared by JailbreakQA moderator named 'iAdam1n', who has checked, test-out, and listed a number of working, somewhat working, not working, popular Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps Compatible and Working with iOS 7.1.2 / iOS 7.1.x Firmware. So if you want to know the current status of all Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps which have been currently tested and checked, So check out the Compatibility List of iOS 7.1.2 / iOS 7.1.x Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps for Cydia as attached below.

Working and Compatible iOS 7.1.2 Jailbreak Tweaks and Apps On Cydia: (Live Report)
Note: The above attached updated live excel spreadsheet document compatibility chart report can also be directly accessed from HERE, and it will be updated on a daily basis as and when new compatible and working iOS 7.1.2 / iOS 7.1.x jailbreak tweaks and apps tested out in Cydia. So don't forget to bookmark this webpage and make sure to visit on daily basis.
List of Working iOS 7.1.2 Jailbreak Cydia Tweaks & Apps:
- 2×2 Folder Icons
- 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 7 & 6)
- Accelerate
- Activator
- Afc2add for iOS 7.x
- Ah! Ah! Ah!
- Alkaline
- Almpoum
- animate
- Animate fix for iOS 7.x.x
- Animer7
- AnyAttach
- Apex 2 (iOS 7)
- App Activate
- AppInfo
- Apple File Conduit “2″
- Applocker
- Appro
- Aria
- Arise
- ArrangeStatusBar
- AttachmentManager
- auki
- Australian BOM Siri Weather
- AutoOK7
- AutoTouch for iOS 7
- Auxo
- Background Manager
- Badge Customizer
- Badger 7
- Barrel
- BatteryLife
- BetterNC7
- BetterPasscodeKeypad
- BioProtect
- biteSMS
- Bloard
- BlueBoard
- Bluepicker
- Blur Remover
- BlurredMusicApp
- Boover
- BounceNotify
- Bridge
- BrightVol
- BTC Mouse & Trackpad
- Burst mode
- BytaFont 2
- Call on GV Pro
- CallBar
- CamBlur7
- CameraTweak 2 (iOS 7)
- CamVolZoom
- CC Deseparator
- CCBackground
- CCControls
- CCHide
- CCMeters
- CCSettings
- CCSystemStatus
- CCToggles
- ChargingHelper
- Chip
- Chrome Downloader Plus
- ClassicBadges
- ClassicLockScreen
- Clear Background Apps
- CleverPin
- Clipshot
- Cloaky
- CloseAll
- Color Keyboard for iOS 7
- Color Profiles
- ColorBadges
- ColorShot
- Coono
- Copic
- Core Utilities
- Core Utilities (/bin)
- CryptoNotes
- customLS
- Cybernetic
- CyDelete7
- Cydget
- Cydia
- Cydia Substrate
- Cylinder
- Dated
- Decode Camera For iOS7
- Disable Parallax Effect
- Disk Pie
- DisturbPlease
- DockShift
- DockWare
- Drunk Mode
- DynamicText
- EASimulateTower
- EASimulateTowerLight
- f.lux
- f.lux Flipswitch
- FakeCarrier
- FakeMyLocation7
- FlagPaint7
- Flat Notes
- Flex 2
- FlipControlCenter
- Flipswitch
- FolderCloser
- FolderEnhancer (iOS 7)
- FolderSwipe7
- Forecast
- FrontFlash
- FullFolder
- Fullimage
- FullKarma
- Giffy
- GIFViewer
- GmailSender
- Gremlin Framework
- GroovyLock
- HapticPro
- HASHBANG Productions Common
- HiddenSettings7
- HiddenSettings7 Icon
- HiddenWallpapers
- HideMe7
- HUDDismiss
- HudSlider
- iCaughtU
- iCleaner
- iCleaner Pro
- IconSupport
- iFile
- iMessage Unlimited Media Send
- Infiniboard
- Infinidock
- Infinite Tweet 2
- InfoHider
- Inform Me
- ipEQ for iPhone
- iTouchSecure
- iTransmission 4
- JellyLock7
- KeyShortcut
- KeyShortcut Pro
- Knock
- KuaiDial
- LastApp
- LastPic
- LinkOpener
- LocationFaker
- LockHTML3
- LockInfo7
- LockPages
- Mail Enhancer Pro iOS 7
- ManualCorrect
- MapsOpener
- MesaVibrate
- MessageHeads
- Messages Customiser
- MobileTerminal
- Möbius
- MoreInfo
- MultiIconMover+
- MultitaskingGestures
- NCAllOnly
- NCObey
- NCWeather
- NetworkList
- NewTerm
- NextGenUI
- Nightmode
- No Yahoo!
- NoNearMe
- NoPageDots7
- NoSlowAnimations
- NoSpot iOS 7
- NoStatusBar
- NotesCounter
- Notification Privacy
- NoVoiceMail
- NowPlayingStatusBar for iOS 7
- OneByOne Contacts
- Opener
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- Orangered for iOS 7
- PandoraSkips
- Parallax enaBlur
- Phantom for Snapchat
- Photo Booth (iOS 7)
- Platinum
- PocketMode 2
- Poof
- PredictiveKeyboard
- PreferenceLoader
- PreferenceTag
- Priority Hub
- PrivateSMS
- ProTube
- ProximityCam
- Purge
- QuickActivator
- QuickPass
- QuickShoot Pro 2
- Random Icon Flip
- Record ‘n’ Torch
- Remote Messages (iOS 7)
- ResetAllKiller
- RightX
- RocketBootstrap
- roqyUSB7
- RotateVideo
- Safari Downloader+
- Safari Resetter
- Safari Upload Enabler
- SafariTabCount
- SameStatus
- SaveGram
- sbquit
- ScramblePass
- ScreenDimmer
- SearchLoader
- SelfDestruct
- ShowCase
- SilentMode Switcher
- SimplePasscodeButtons
- SkipLock
- SleekSleep
- Slide2Kill 7
- SlideCut
- SlideForUsage
- SmartTap
- Snapper
- Snooze
- Software Update Killer
- Spectral
- Speed Intensifier
- Speedy Homey
- Spin
- SplitMail
- SpotDefine
- SpotLock
- Springtomize 3
- SPTouch
- SSH Connect
- SSHMediaControls
- StatusBarFix2
- StatusHUD 2
- StatusModifier
- StatusPeek
- Stealth Cam
- Still Capture Enabler 2
- StopAlarm
- StopCCinApp
- Substrate Safe Mode
- SubtleLock (iOS 7)
- SwipeSelection
- SwitchSpring
- SysInfoPlus
- Syslog Flipswitch
- syslogd to /var/log/syslog
- TapToUnlock7
- TetherMe
- TetherStatus
- TimeForAlarm 2
- TinyBar
- top
- TransparentCameraBar
- TransparentDock
- TransparentVolume
- UK Siri Weather
- unBold
- Uninstall Application Size
- UnlockSound7
- Untrusted Hosts Blocker
- Vertex
- Video Zoom Mod
- VideoPace
- Virtual Home
- Volume Step
- Wake With Weather
- WeeTrackData7 for Notification Center
- WhatsPad
- WiFi Booster
- WiFi Passwords
- WinterBoard
- WinterTerminal
- xCon
- YouTuber
- Zeppelin