After the two beta releases of iOS 6.1 now Apple has released its next beta version of iOS 6.1 Beta 3 (Build 10B5117b) Firmware for iPhone...
After the two beta releases of iOS 6.1 now Apple has released its next beta version of iOS 6.1 Beta 3 (Build 10B5117b) Firmware for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch devices with much more bug fixes, software improvements, enhance speed, new feature updates, fixed iOS 6.1 stability issues etc. etc. So if you're still using an old Apple iOS 6.1 Beta 1 and iOS 6.1 Beta 2 Firmware on your iPhone, iPad and iPod devices than you needs to update it to the latest iOS 6.1 Beta 3 (Build 10B5117b) Firmware today. Direct Download Links of Apple iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch is officially available from Apple's direct servers below for general public and iOS Developers worldwide. Update: Download and Install Latest Apple's iOS 6.1 Final IPSW Firmwares for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch Now.
If any iOS device user and iOS developer is running an old iOS 6.1 Beta 1 and iOS 6.1 Beta 2 on iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch devices than you can directly download and install iOS 6.1 Beta 3 (Build 10B5117b) through Over The Air (OTA) software update process by simply going to Settings > General > Software Update option on your respective iPhone, iPad and iPod devices, iOS 6.1 Beta 3 software update contains file size of approx. 105 MB, may be a bit longer after installing it or users can also directly download it via iOS Dev Center Website truly available for registered iOS Developers and for general public and if any user wants to Manually Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware Files for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch and wants to install it via iTunes than you can easily Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch via Direct Download Links available below. Update: Download and Install Latest Apple's iOS 6.1 Final IPSW Firmwares for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch Now.
Direct Download Links of iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch:
Users can Directly Download Apple iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware (Build 10B5117b) Update Files available for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch via Direct Download Links which is fully activated and in working condition, after that users can Download and Install iOS 6.1 Beta 3 Firmware via iTunes software available for Mac and Windows.
Official iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPhone's:
Official iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad's:
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad Mini
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 4th Gen. (4G)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 3rd Gen. (AT&T)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 3rd Gen. (Verizon)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 3rd Gen. (Wi-Fi)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 2nd Gen. (GSM)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 2nd Gen. (CDMA)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 2nd Gen. (Wi-Fi)
- Download iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPad 2nd Gen. (Rev-A)
Official iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware for iPod Touch's:
How to Jailbreak and Install iOS 6.1 Beta 3 Firmware on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch?
- Jailbreak for Apple iOS 6.1 Beta 3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod is available and users can Jailbreak Apple iOS 6.1 Beta 3 Firmware for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch - Click Here
- Install and Activate iOS 6.1 Beta 3 IPSW Firmware on iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 3GS, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPod 5G Touch and iPod 4G Touch devices without having UDID and Registered iOS Developer Account - Click Here