HTML5 Replacing the Flash Even though many people do not think about this, there are a lot of things changing in the modern Web world. Wh...
HTML5 Replacing the Flash
Even though many people do not think about this, there are a lot of things changing in the modern Web world. What used to be standard has today become obsolete, and what once seemed not likely to ever be of any importance is today becoming increasingly important. Until recently, all website developers that wanted to create interactive and rich website content simply had to use Adobe Flash and different add-ons. Today, however, things have changed in a way that HTML5 is slowly but steadily replacing Adobe's Flash. Some Web developers are thrilled about this, others do not like the idea very much – regardless of this fact, HTML5 is a reality, and it would not be any less important even if all Web developers hated this idea.
Even though many people do not think about this, there are a lot of things changing in the modern Web world. What used to be standard has today become obsolete, and what once seemed not likely to ever be of any importance is today becoming increasingly important. Until recently, all website developers that wanted to create interactive and rich website content simply had to use Adobe Flash and different add-ons. Today, however, things have changed in a way that HTML5 is slowly but steadily replacing Adobe's Flash. Some Web developers are thrilled about this, others do not like the idea very much – regardless of this fact, HTML5 is a reality, and it would not be any less important even if all Web developers hated this idea.
Why Is HTML5 Replacing Adobe's Flash?
In spite of the fact that many people still think this had nothing to do with the whole story of HTML5 replacing Flash, the fact is that the late Steve Jobs had a big part in this. Namely, the co-founder of Apple wrote the today famous essay which stated not so positive things about Adobe's Flash, to say the least. After this, Apple continued ignoring Adobe's Flash in all their mobile devices, which pretty much made the whole Web developing world pay more attention to other options available.
What Are the Key Features of HTML5?
Here are the key features of HTML5 listed and explained:
The bottom line is the following – regardless of the fact which technology web developers are using, Adobe's Flash or HTML5, the end-user is only interested in they see on the webpage they are using. What this means is that to an untrained and uninterested eye, both of these technologies look and feel the same, and this is exactly what is important. Developers behind HTML5 were hoping for this, and they got it. In reality, if average users were asked to decide between these two technologies, they would see no difference, and this is what opened the door to HTML5. If it had been the other way around, a new technology like HTML5 would have never become widespread.
In spite of the fact that many people still think this had nothing to do with the whole story of HTML5 replacing Flash, the fact is that the late Steve Jobs had a big part in this. Namely, the co-founder of Apple wrote the today famous essay which stated not so positive things about Adobe's Flash, to say the least. After this, Apple continued ignoring Adobe's Flash in all their mobile devices, which pretty much made the whole Web developing world pay more attention to other options available.
What Are the Key Features of HTML5?
Here are the key features of HTML5 listed and explained:
- Storage – This is a great benefit of HTML5, as it enables users to store data on their own computers and other devices, and use the data afterwards and even without an active Internet connection.
- Text – Text features, including fonts, shadows, colors and other interesting effects, have become available with the use of HTML5.
- Objects moving – Objects located on a Website will move and interact with the cursor.
- Audio and video – Audio and video data can be located on a website and played without any additional plug-ins. However, web developers have not yet agreed on which formats will be supported.
- 3D – WebGL is a technology which is responsible for creating astonishing 3D effects with the help of the device's graphics processor.
- Games – Again, without any additional plug-ins or software, Web developers are able to include interactive games into any webpage.
The bottom line is the following – regardless of the fact which technology web developers are using, Adobe's Flash or HTML5, the end-user is only interested in they see on the webpage they are using. What this means is that to an untrained and uninterested eye, both of these technologies look and feel the same, and this is exactly what is important. Developers behind HTML5 were hoping for this, and they got it. In reality, if average users were asked to decide between these two technologies, they would see no difference, and this is what opened the door to HTML5. If it had been the other way around, a new technology like HTML5 would have never become widespread.